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  • Writer's pictureMeg Hurst

New Year's Travel Resolutions

Once again, I've managed to completely stop writing on here, so in the spirit of manifestation, I'm writing some goals for 2020 for this blog. Having just come off the back end of an English degree and throwing myself into a new job, I feel like I'm just getting my writing flow back so here goes.

Travel Responsibly: Near and Far

I have grand plans to go travelling around the world, but I want to consider my carbon footprint more and look into offsetting this. I feel like 2019 was the year that climate change really came to the forefront. I was reading a little more here, and whilst flying isn't the best for the environment, there are things I want to do to try and make it better ✈️

Sustainable travel within the UK, whilst obviously more better as you're not going as far, was brought to my attention by my Trainline app. It gave me some really cool figures about my carbon footprint and how much train travel saves. I've already booked my first train of 2020, so here's to some more sustainable travel!

Appreciate the Staycation

When I got back from America, I feel like my appreciation for the UK was increased threefold, and I really wanted to go out and see more of it, but as university and life took over, I didn't follow through on this at all.

I didn't take a gap year, before or after my degree, but Visit Britain has recently started championing the Microgap where you treat the UK as all you need for an amazing holiday. I love this idea as there are so many places and things to do on my doorstep that I want to stop taking for granted and it can often be so much cheaper than travelling abroad 🇬🇧

Loyalty Cards & Bonus Points

This ties in to my general New Years resolution of making the most of my loyalty cards as I feel there are lots of good offers on right now 🐶

As I’m trying to travel more but also save money, I wanted to make the most of my Avios points otherwise they run out. I’ve already registered my cards so when I shop on the high street I get more points & have my eyes on a few European destinations which are available for around 6,000 Avios points!

If anyone has any advice on how to get the most of your Avios points I’d really appreciate it.

Read More Travel Books

This one is quite self explanatory really! I feel like much like being put off writing, I've put myself off reading too, but want to dip my toe back into it at some point. Travel writing seems like a good place to start, as I love planning my trips a lot anyway, so I can kill two birds with one stone 📚

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